Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Super Storm Sandy and mom's 70th

       So Super Storm Sandy came roaring through and one would think with an unexpected week of being home bound would free up some over scheduled time in our lives to check off all those lesser to do item in our lives. But the man upstairs wishes to enrich our lives beyond our small plans. You see, although we were blessed to have our electricity back after 2 days of camping out indoors, using the fireplace as our only source of heat, no internet. We were cut off from the world. At first, we were at a lost as to what to do next. What we ended up doing were all those 'old fashioned' things that at normal times had lost it's luster; playing a board game, reading to Maxine and just plain face to face time of talking and laughing. Truly thankful, truly thankful
      In the midst of the storm, we celebrated mom's 70th, with all those who mattered, again an important layer of pretentiousness striped away. and with the repercussion of the storm, our plans were thrown to the wind and a precious treasure was  unearthed; all 3 Park sisters and our family all under 1 roof. One awesome, priceless time most try to plan and many a time fail at was just generously placed on our laps.  Thank you!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

First day on my blog

....Why today? Why not. It's a overcast, crisp autumn day. The color changing leaves are a bright yellow with a hint of orange....a reflective kind of day. So why not indeed, here we go.